Thursday, October 14, 2010

A Pat on the Back

The glitches-free CWG in Delhi and the positive mood which now prevails makes one wonder if the woes of the Games preparations were real or imagined. There were indeed problems and mess was far from being an imagined one. Several city projects are still unfinished. Planning was certainly not inspiring confidence amongst us. Corruption charges are yet to proved 'wrong'. May be the media overdrive made our authorities get their act together and finally pull off a successful and memorable CWG. Or they were ready but the bad press in the run up to the Games was a mere PR or marketing communication disaster which now pundits have to analyze and learn their lessons from. The truth lies somewhere in between. May be we were ready on some counts but were measuring badly on others. There are questions and there will be answers. For a while, India (not only Delhi) can bask in the glory of medals our sportspersons have bagged in the competitions. The last ditch efforts paid off and we again emerged as good crisis managers and damage controllers, if not good planners and administrators. Now, see overleaf for a list of Olympic aspirations and keep debating on if we can....!!!!

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