Friday, November 14, 2008

Celebrating Change

Barack Obama is now a phenomenon. The President-elect of the world's mightiest nation is not merely a political leader who belongs only to his party and people.

The beginning is somewhat flashy and swashbuckling. But one thing is clear: the Obama-Biden administration means business. There is so much to do and there is no time to lose. A four year term is woefully inadequate to usher in the change Obama stands for and envisages. We can expect the new administration to be packed with change agents and innovators. One hopes the President-elect knows that innovation, if not guided properly, can also wreak havoc with one's plans. You cannot set out to renovate everything around you. Nor is the Presidency a hollywood blockbuster, full of twists, thrills and breathtaking experiments. But it is too naive to tell this to Mr Obama. He has dreamt this dream for many years and he surely knows the best how to put the dream into action and make the world a little bit better than what it is today.

The victory of Barack Obama has overwhelmed the world. Even the frigid Europe (the so called 'old Europe', the continent) has warmed up to the news of his victory. We better refrain from analysing him now. We better refrain from questioning him now. Let him just perform. It may be a great delight to see him perform and deliver. In his success lies the success of everything a liberal global society has alwasys stood for and yearned for.

Let us not be skeptical of this great American moment.

Best wishes, Mr Obama...